When the King Enrique married Ana Bolena, she already had months of gestation,
hoping that he was a male, but when Elizabeth was born the monarch suffered a
terrible disappointment. The fact of illuminated credit a female debilitated
considerably the situation of the queen, even more when the disillusioned
father met obliged to break definitively with Rome and to declare the
independence of the Anglican Church. Time later Ana was beheaded, Elizabeth was
declared bastard and stayed in the same situation that his step-sister Mary,
daughter of the first marriage Henry VIII with Catalina of Aragon.
There rose to the throne Juana Seymour, the only wife of Henry VIII
that an inheritor gave to him male. Dead Juana Seymour, Ana de Cleves and
Catalina Howard encircled successively the crown, being relieved finally by a
lady, the nice and kind Catalina Parr. Little before the sixth wedding of the
king, the decrees of bastardy of Mary and Elizabeth were revoked and both were
called to the court. Catalina fifteen days later married Thomas Seymour,
brother of the late queen Juana.
Thomas Seymour was seeking to be a king and had studied detailed all his
possibilities. For it it proposed to seduce the young woman Elizabeth, after being
surprised; the princess was confined in Hatfield.
Elizabeth supported Mary I, who was called bloody Mary and in 1558 when
he dies, in agreement to the testament of Henry VIII, Elizabeth had to come to the throne. The catholic party returned to use his arguments it brings over of the
illegitimacy of the inheritor and it supported the pretensions of his premium
Mary I Estuardo of Scotland. Nevertheless, the mistakes of the previous reign
and Elizabeth's known nonchalance in the religious polemic did that she ended up
by being accepted. Also it influenced his acceptance his young, beautiful and
healthy aspect, which was contrasting notably with that of his two
step-brothers: sickly one, grown older and embittered other one.